Slee Blackwell Solicitors in association with Enough Abuse UK are hosting a FREE WORKSHOP on 9 November 2016.

The workshop, on the theme of ‘Identifying Grooming and Preventing Sexual Abuse’ will be held at the Somerset College of Art and Technology.

Rachel Thain, an award winning lawyer in our abuse team, is joining forces with Marilyn Hawes who is the Founder and CEO of Enough Abuse UK to deliver the workshop, aimed at helping those on the front line of children’s services to identify the behavioural signs associated with grooming. By recognising the early signs of grooming it is often possible to prevent intended sexual abuse being carried out. It is therefore a vital aspect of child protection.

Marilyn is acknowledged as one of the UK’s leading experts on child protection. Her own children were groomed and abused by their Head Teacher and family friend. With this invaluable insight Marilyn speaks from her heart with both passion and humour.

For further details or to reserve your place on the workshop contact Rachel at [email protected]

Free workshop on ‘Identifying Grooming & Preventing Sexual Abuse’.